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Do You want to 

create amazing artwork?


She really is the best and I highly recommend her!


"Meg far exceeded our expectations for both the writing and art classes my kids took. She went above and beyond for each of them. I couldn't be more thrilled with her as a teacher. She really is the best and I highly recommend her!!"


-Becky Zale

Loves his drawing class!


"My son loves his drawing class! He can't wait to show me what he learned after every class!"


-Rachel Mahrle


Our daughter is having fun and learning!


"I always knew our daughter was creative/talented. I just couldn't figure out how to get that on paper. Ms. Navarro did just that! Not only is our daughter excelling in her artistic abilities, but she is having fun AND learning. I look forward to viewing her weekly creations and hearing about the benefits of the different "tools" she uses in class."


-Keta Thelen

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