Join an exciting creative journey, dive into the world of Minecraft animals, and bring them to life on paper. You’ll learn to draw Minecraft animals like a panda, axolotl, polar bear, glow squid, pufferfish, and more! Get ready to delve into creativity and turn your love for Minecraft into a memorable artistic adventure!
Time Commitment: In this class, you will draw 14 Minecraft animals and you will spend less than an hour on each lesson.
Age & Skill Level: This class is for kids ages 7 and up, and it is great for beginner to intermediate levels.
You can attend live sessions, watch pre-recorded videos, or both!
Draw Minecraft Animals

What you'll get:
14 weeks’ worth of pre-recorded video lessons
5 months of access to the class
Live online sessions - most weeks during the school year. Live sessions are divided based on age, and students vote on drawing topics.
Unlimited support from your instructor through a voice-recording app or text
Extra credit projects (if you want)
We will send a supply list with Amazon links, or you can use supplies you already have.
per semester