Art at the Farm
Day Camp
*Enrollment for this session has ended. Please see this page for current offerings.
​Space is limited to 14 kids! Email to sign up today!
When: June 17 – 20, 2013. M-Th, 9:30 – 2:00

Where: Camp takes place mainly outdoors at a local farm.
Description: Have fun learning art while enjoying nature and farm animals! In between art sessions, students take breaks to enjoy nature, play games, or do free sketching. The hands-on approach to art teaches kids to learn by doing.
Art Topics:
• Keeping a nature notebook (sketching)
• Drawing with things found outside (ex: charcoal from the fire pit, staining paper with flower petals,
using dirt to create texture for watercolor pencil drawings, leaf rub drawings)
• Botanical drawing – draw plants, leaves, and flowers you find in the yard
• Paint a Plein Air (painting outdoors) landscape using watercolor pencils.
• How to press flowers
• Stamping
• Perspective drawing – drawing a barn
• Techniques for pen & ink, charcoal, watercolor pencils, graphite, etc.
• Doodling, creative lettering, and borders
• Painting project
• Basic Composition – learn how to lay out drawings in a pleasing, eye-catching way.
*Art topics are subject to adjustment.
Age: 5 – 12 (Students need to be able to follow instructions and do art without trying to run off. Parents are welcome to stay and enjoy nature and art alongside their kids, including 4-year-olds. Call or email if questions.)
Instructor: Meg Navarro Gupta
Instructor Assistant: Abigail Dunnivan *Artwork shown on right --->
Abigail Dunnivan assisted with our summer art camp. Recently, she attended a few classes taught by award-winning artist Lesley Harrison, and was honored to be asked to be her personal student so that Lesley could mentor her and help her to grow in her talent. In addition to realism drawing, Abigail was inspired by Disney from a young age and enjoys cartooning.

Supplies students should bring:
• Nature notebook (spiral bound sketch book with thick pages. 8.5 x 11 in. or similar size).
• Eraser, handheld pencil sharpener that catches shavings
• Watercolor pencils (preferably Karat Aquarrel, Prismacolor or Derwent)
• Optional: Prismacolor colored pencils, markers
Also, please bring:
• Caddy, box, or backpack to tote supplies
• Sack lunch & snack, water bottle, clothes that can get dirty, the girls should probably pull their hair back.